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How women face stigma because of their professional success?

How women face stigma because of their professional success?

How women face stigma because of their professional success

In many areas, gender equality remains out of reach. Women still earn less than men, especially women of color, and hold fewer senior positions. But as these women are making progressto break the glass ceiling, there is also evidence that women have managed to grapple with the stigma of their achievements by male partners (and potential male partners) along the way.

According to a variety of studies, when faced with meeting in a sexist world, some women choose to minimize their achievements and follow up more slowly in order to remain desirable. Balance to be considered smart, but spiritless, sexually available, but not foxy, and strong, but affordable has long been the duty of single heterosexual woman on the market. It may seem like it should Mad Men has to be a lady in the streets, a chef, a cat in the leaves and a successful businessman, but not too successful, in office in 2017, but some Malgic attitudes persist.

While it is never ideal to sacrifice your own growth to be more attractive, women who choose (or feel compelled todo so) should not be ashamed to have simply tried to survive on a small scale against them.

Here are four ways in which studies have shown that success can affect you out:

Some single women cut their salary likely to be more attractive.

How women face stigma because of their professional success

In an upcoming study published in the American Economic Review, researchers have shown that women have changed their stated career goals based on what they believed they see.

On the first day of the elite masters program, they were asked to complete a questionnaire on the desired compensation, hours and work days per month of travel. When single women in the group have, knowing that only a professional would advise their answers, they responded that women in relationships. However, when single women were informed that their responses would be seen by other students, salary expectations averaged $ 131,000 to $ 113,000.

Some women who wish Smarter partners than them are less likely to Be interested in STEM.

How women face stigma because of their professional success

A study conducted in 2016 by the University of Buffalo examines the ways in which a romantic woman could preferably have an impact on her vision of the STEM fields. Research has shown that women who expressed a desire to have smarter partners with them also express less interest in STEM and poor performance in math tests. According to lead author Lora Park, these women have shown no less interest in historically "feminine" areas such as teaching or social work, which, he said, "suggests that there may be some strategically in the lack of interest [STEM ] Or perhaps women to minimize their interests in these areas. "

Many men feel threatened by the success of their partner.

How women face stigma because of their professional success

Unfortunately, the price of a successful woman may be too real. In 2013, psychologists at the University of Florida and the University of Virginia have partnered to conduct five experiments on how men in heterosexual relationships are affected by the success of their female partner. In one experiment, 284 men took an online test that asked them to think about a case where their partner was successful in a specific field, intellectual or social. Immediately afterwards, they were asked to pass an implied self-esteem test.

The results showed that regardless of the woman's degree of success, her male partner was more likely to feel worse after reflecting on the achievements. This increased especially when the female partner had succeeded in a field in which the defendant had failed. Although all men did not react in this way, many men's self-esteem is inversely related to their partner's success, which is not good for women in general.

Single women are less likely to be active at work.

How women face stigma because of their professional success

Another survey of the upcoming study in the American Economic Review asked 261 freshman MBA students if they had avoided certain behaviors that they believe would help their career because they were afraid to do "too ambitious, aggressive or aggressive." In response, 64% of single women said they avoided asking for a raise or a promotion for this reason, while only 39% of women joined and 27% of men said the same.

As the stories that equate femininity with passivity and masculinity with domination continue to permeate our culture, many women face a dilemma as they try to navigate their personal and professional lives. And as the studies mentioned above suggest, they move forward is not as simple as saying "yes" to the opportunities that await you.

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