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bedtime bliss® | bedtime bliss sleep mask | comfortable sleep mask & Moldex® Ear Plugs !

bedtime bliss sleep mask | bedtime bliss® | comfortable sleep mask & Moldex® Ear Plugs !

The labeling of the product:

Do you need total darkness to sleep, or do your eyes sometimes need a little attention and downtime?
Using a good sleeping mask is an effective way to block light when you can not control the source, for example when traveling.
And a specially designed relaxation mask can relieve pressure and fatigue after a long day.
I have tried a variety of eye masks over the last month, both trying to sleep and purely for relaxation.
I hope these sleeping mask exams will help you find the right start of a night's sleep, travel comfortably or just relax and rest tired eyes.

Key points:
Eye mask designed to fit your face - contour and lightweight to prevent pressure on the eyes.
Perfect travel mask of sleep and meditation - block annoying light while traveling.
Great for shift workers - happiness at bedtime solving the sleep problem during the day.
Ideal for naps - whether in the deck chair, or in the hammock and short naps are easy.
Gentle and comfortable - LARGE FOR LIGHT lock out - block lampposts or the morning sun - help you relax and fall asleep if you quickly to a happy dream and wake up refreshed.
Made of high quality materials - Lightweight, contoured) there is pressure on the eyes) and REM sleep Allows comfortable space to open your eyes yet relax in the dark.
VERSATILE and sustainable perfect for men, women, children and shift workers - will not stain makeup: combines well with continuous positive airway Pressure therapy apparatus.
Be free in the dark - perfect for meditation - Try to meditate with our mask at any time of day or night - Ideal for travel, afternoon naps or when your partner T. V late at night.
QUALITY MATERIALS - Free eBook include to make sure you get the most out of your sleeping mask.

Product description:
Light blocking is an important factor when it comes to falling asleep due to the darkness causes your melatonin production, allowing you to fall asleep naturally.

However, if you have too much light outside to enter your room, then you have the ability to fall asleep quickly decreases.

The use of such a contoured sleep bedtime mask, which block the light without causing tension in your eyes, allowing you to fall asleep quickly, while allowing REM sleep.

Key Features & Benefits:

Choose the best with Bliss ® Bedtime:

"bedtime bliss sleep mask"

The contoured design of our Sleep Mask means that it is much more comfortable than the traditional masks. It blocks light without exerting pressure on the eyes and gives you the freedom to open your eyes, allowing REM sleep. "bedtime bliss sleep mask" It is the perfect solution to make sure you get the dream of a waking night feeling renewed for the next day.{bedtime bliss sleep mask}.

Bedtime Mask said Suspension:
Bedtime Bliss Sleep Mask, 
You may find it difficult to turn off the light while on a plane or you see that it is not dark enough, sleeping mask The bedtime bliss is designed to darken your room completely. It takes care of your eyes, as if you are really in a dark room. "Bedtime Bliss Sleep Mask" If you need a sleeping mask that is reliable to block light, the said mask to sleep Bedtime is the first recommended sleep mask you should try, Bedtime Bliss Sleep Mask.

The best light blocking:
bedtime bliss sleep mask, Since it is made with a slim design to fit the face of users, it eliminates the differences between the mask and the skin of your face where commonly the light that passes through. Also, as you can see how the edges of the mask look. bedtime bliss sleep mask, This is the part that adheres to the skin of users. In fact, it helps prevent many deficiencies.

bedtime bliss sleep mask, The size of this mask also determines how light is blocked properly. Surprisingly, I have found that people have more time with it. "bedtime bliss sleep mask" Accordingly, I came to the conclusion that better fit means better in blocking the light. It is neither too big nor too small. I measured it and found the said bedtime shorter 3/4 inches or 2 cm wide than Nidra. In general, I would say that the bedtime mask said sleep carving is suitable for most people. This makes the mask successfully block the light perfectly. bedtime bliss® | bedtime bliss sleep mask , comfortable sleep mask & Moldex® "Ear Plugs".

bedtime bliss sleep mask, Also, do not forget the role of the black mask and cover the nose. "bedtime bliss sleep mask" The black color can suffocate the light. It then creates a better dark, which results in helping to sleep in total darkness. bedtime bliss sleep mask, The nose covered the block completely all the light from the nose area. I agree that it is not for everyone. So, whether a small or large nose, it is best to avoid it. But I am sure the customer will fit most people.bedtime bliss® | bedtime bliss sleep mask | comfortable sleep mask & Moldex® Ear Plugs.

Provide user convenience:
bedtime bliss sleep mask, Ear Plugs, Some people feel it's worth more when their eyes can blink freely while wearing a sleeping mask. The molded design like a valley to the eye zone will benefit us when our eyelids flicker. It's great. Appreciate how to open and close your eyes without touching the mask.bedtime bliss sleep mask, Ear Plugs.

bedtime bliss sleep mask, Ear Plugs, For women, you are likely to use eye cream when you fall asleep. Bedtime Bliss comes with a design of lines to allow your eye cream to treat you in complete peace of mind. You could run two applications at the same time. "bedtime bliss sleep mask", "Ear Plugs".

The edges of this sleeping mask is made of a kind of soft material to make it comfortable when you stick it on your skin.bedtime bliss sleep mask Ear Plugs;  So you do not have to worry, get irritated or leave a mark.

I mean it has a soft elastic band that is placed around the head. It's not too tight, but they keep staying at the place. Very well, the group connects with Velcro. bedtime bliss sleep mask Ear Plugs; So you are free to adjust until the comfort level you want to seal.

In addition, the light weight of the mask greatly affects the user's comfort thus eliminating the use of pressure. (bedtime bliss sleep mask Ear Plugs).

The Durability& Sustainability:
bedtime bliss sleep mask, Ear Plugs; Speaking of sustainability is not out of the material. As the bedtime the bliss confirms that the mask used in the polyester blocking outer fabric and polyurethane foam like the interior. Even if it is not made from silk, it is surprisingly enough to create a comfortable, lightweight and definitely durable sleeping mask.{bedtime bliss sleep mask, Ear Plugs}.

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