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10 tips to Better Productivity Evernote Every users Must Know!

10 tips  to Better Productivity Evernote Every users Must Know.

Vernote is the perfect tool for capturing your ideas, comments, web page clippings, scanned images and everything in between. It takes time to realize the usefulness of this powerful software, but once you find them, it will be difficult to manage your digital life without Evernote.

10 tips  to Better Productivity Evernote Every users Must Know

I used Evernote extensively for about 2 years and stored virtually everything, notes to web pages and reminders. And since Evernote can integrate all the popular applications - Dropbox, Google Drive and Google Calendar to name a Web service or like IFTTT Zapier, make it even more useful.

Better 10 Tricks and Tips Evernote for Every users:

These are some of the best features of Evernote that most of us may not be familiar with. And if you wonder why you would need someone when Gmail Evernote can be used store these similar things convince yourself to make the change.

1. Sensitive text for password protection.

Although it is impossible to calculate an entire note in Evernote, you can select the text in the individual notes and protect the sensitive bits by their own password. Evernote supports 2 factor authentication, so it will be very difficult for someone to access your account, but with encryption, you get an additional layer of protection.

10 tips  to Better Productivity Evernote Every users Must Know

Bonus Tip: You can even search "Watch with encryption" to quickly see all encrypted notes.

2. Create a watch folder.

People use Evernote to save scanned receipts, PDF manuals, cooking recipes, travel notes and other documents they may need along the way. Instead of manually importing these documents into Evernote, you can create a "clock" folder on your computer and any file that is dropped into that folder will automatically appear in your Evernote. However, this is a feature for Windows only.

3. Stay local.

Evernote USP is instant synchronization. You make a note on your Android phone and it will appear on your computer and your iPad. That said, if you want to create notes that remain on your computer and do not sync with your other devices, you can create a local laptop. The notes and files that are inside this notebook will not be uploaded to the Evernote servers and can not be converted into a synchronized notebook at any time.

4. Create the shortcuts to NOTE.

If you open a note, you must start the Evernote application, find the note, and double-click to open it. This takes time, but what you can do is use Apple's scripts on Mac to create shortcuts to frequently used notes and place them on the desktop. Here is an example script:

tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
 --- Replace NotebookName with your Evernote Notebook
 set notebookName to "NotebookName"
 --- Replace NoteTitle with the title of your note
 set matchingNotes to find notes ("intitle:NoteTitle")
 set matchingNote to item 1 of matchingNotes
 open note window with matchingNote
end tell
Save the .scpt file to your desktop and double-click it to quickly open the note.

5. Search for text within images.

Like Google Drive, Evernote supports OCR and allows you to search for text within pictures and even handwritten notes. For example, you can use your phone's camera to install restaurant menus and send photos to your Evernote. The next time you want to order "Okra Masala", simply look at Evernote and display all the letters of the restaurants where this dish is available.

Bonus Tip: Put recoType: handwritten or recoType: image in the search box to see all your notes, whose contents can be extracted using OCR.

6. Use nested tags.

You used tags to group-related notes in Evernote, but did you know that the tool is also compatible with nested tags like Gmail tags. Open the list of tags in Evernote and drop one tag into another to define the first as a sub-label of the latter. This facilitates the organization of labels and you do not have to create separate notebooks for everything.

10 tips  to Better Productivity Evernote Every users Must Know

Bonus Tip: You can add special symbols like the hash or exclamation point at the beginning of a label name to put your most used tags at the top of the list.

7. Advanced Search Evernote.

Evernote supports a variety of advanced search operators (full list) to help you find the exact information you need. Some examples:

1.     Evernote supports a variety of advanced search operators (full list) to help you find the exact information you need. Some examples:
2.     Use the source: web.clip <word (s)> to search for notes registered through the Clipper Web.
3.     Using created: day-2 to see the notes created in the last 2 days. Or tell him to create: a week for the notes added this week.
4.     Use the source: mobile. For a list of notes created using any mobile Evernote.

8. Bulk - Forward emails to Evernote.

Your Evernote account has a dedicated email address and any message sent to this address becomes a note in your default notebook. If you have many messages in Gmail that you want to store in Evernote with the automatic forwarding script - simply create a label in Gmail called Evernote and all e-mail messages with this tag are automatically transmitted to Evernote.

9. Turn your emails reminder.

Evernote is not only a tool for email archiving, but the same workflow can be used to create quick reminders of your mailbox. Compose a new message, or send an existing one and put an exclamation mark in the subject line followed by the date you want it to be remembered and send it to your Evernote address.

10. Edit attachments live.

Evernote supports real-time updates and is more convenient than storing attachments in email messages (which are read-only). I explain. If you have already attached a PDF file to a note, you can double-click the attachment to edit the PDF file and save it. The file will also be automatically updated in your note.

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