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How To Manage Your "Star Employee"?

How To Manage Your "Star Employee"?

How To Manage Your "Star Employee"?

Managing your featured artists should not sweat, should you? After all, deliver results and exceed goals. But I do not think you can get away and leave it to stand out. They need as much attention as everyone else. How do you manage someone who hits outside the park? How do you avoid excited stars about your work? And what risks do you see?

What the "experts" say?

Having an extremely talented employee on your team is a boss's dream. But it can also be a challenge, according to Linda Hill, a Harvard Business School professor and co-author of being the boss: The 3 Imperatives to Become a Great Leader. You should make sure that your star has enough on your plate to continue participating fully, but not so much that it burns. And we must "provide positive feedback" - but not so counterproductive to the growth and development of the person. Group dynamics is another cause for concern when you have an outstanding artist on your team says Mary Shapiro who teaches organizational behavior at Simmons College and wrote the teams that lead HBR Guide. "Real resentment can develop, because of the perception that the boss is promoting the rock star," he said. Your guest artist has just joined your team or they work for a while, here are some tips on how to manageit.

Think development:

One of the most difficult things to manage a highly secure and competent employee should be to ensure that he is challenged enough at work. The antidote to this problem is "the classic development of talent," says Shapiro. First, "ask your employee," Where are you going next, and what experiences do I give to you to make sure you're there? "Next, look for opportunities to help people learn new skills and refine the old ones. Colina recommends that you help the employee is" exposure to other parts of the organization "that" will extend their point of view. "And, of course," do not forget B players, "Hill added. Otherwise, they do not develop the team's ability, and" over time, people become qualified. "Everyone on your team deserves to be developed."

Autonomy offer:

Another way to make sure your star employee remains committed and excited to come to work is to "give you more autonomy," says Shapiro. "Demonstrating confidence in delegation of authority and responsibility" in some projects and tasks. And not micromanagement. "Give discretion to how the job is done." If a formal offer is not possible, or your employee is not ready for one, think creatively about ways to improve your leadership skills. "Give their training responsibilities," he adds. "Ask your rock star to work with others on the team to guide and develop."

Do not go "overboard with, positive feedback":

In general, "stars tend to be very needy" and require more praise and security than their average employee, Hill says. But you do not want to "be used to feed an ego." It is recommended to give their stars "the appropriate amount of comments" in "recognition of their contributions." If your star has done very well and made a stellar presentation project say so. But it is not necessary to go to the seashore. "It will help learn to control yourself," she said, "and to recognize contributions from other team members that will help her succeed." Shapiro agrees, noting that some stars do not expect or want constant praise. "Do not assume youknow what motivates them."

Manage the workload of your star - and everyone else:

An important part of your job as an owner is to ensure that the work is divided evenly. This can be a challenge in managing someone who is way above all others. "You want to give [all] rock star chores, because you know the rock star is going to do the job," says Shapiro. But while "suits you", result of overwork in exhaustion. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to "do a careful analysis of what happens on your star plate" to identify tasks and projects that can be removed "the ability to do other projects." It is likely that your "rock star is going to be reluctant to let go of something", but must stand firm. "Be explicit and say you want to give more bandwidth so that power has intellectual, energy and time to be at its best." And pay attention to the depletion of the equipment, Hill said. "Superstars are known as Pacesetters," he said. "It can be exciting and inspire others to work with them, but often others can not follow." You should "make sure the workload is reasonable" for everyone.

Be aware of group dynamics:

Superstars can generate computer tensions. Maybe they expect a performance equal to their relationship with others, or the companions are jealous of their abilities and treat them differently from everyone. You can not control the emotions of others, but you have to say in the way you act. First, and most importantly, "not having favorites," Hill said. Then discuss with your team members about group dynamics and individual behavior. Its aim is "to ensure that [the star] is treated appropriately." Shapiro agrees: "It is necessary to have individual conversations with each one to ask." What motivates and how can I help? "

"Encourage" your star to build "relationships":

You should also talk to your star. Many high-level artists are struggling to develop relationships of trust, says Hill. "These are quick studies, so they do not ask questions and do not try to build bridges - especially since they do not have to." It is their job to encourage them to network and "help develop their ability to relate to others and learn the power of collaboration." Explain that "to contribute to today's organizations, you have to work with others In different roles. "Then" be a partner to help the person fit in. "Demonstrate" how your job benefits otherviews. "And use role-playing games that teach you how to work successfully with your peers.

Do not be selfish:

Nobody wants to lose a superstar employee, but when it comes to a very competent and capable person, they can be a "sign that they are ready for more than they can offer" in a special role, Shapiro said. Do not let it get lost to another company, though. Keep in mind the priorities of the entire organization and if there is a fit for it outside of your team. Be prepared to "fight the battle on two fronts," says Shapiro. "Talk to your boss to find your star in a position in the same way as it rises, while ensuring that it is replaced" by someone who succeeds the role. This is a "management and management current dilemma," Hill added. "But you can not accumulate talent."

Principles to remember:


·        Praise and comfort, but also encourage your star to recognize the contributions of others.
·        Demonstrate confidence in delegating responsibility for certain projects and letting your star decide how the work is done.
·        Make sure that the workload of the equipment is reasonable. Superstars are Pacesetters and everyone can not follow.


·        Represented overburden your employees - otherwise you could burn it. Analyze what is happening on your plate and identify projects that can be eliminated.
·        Neglect the rest of your team. Find ways to develop each of your live reports.
·        Talent treasure. If the employee is ready to move forward, you have to defend your promotion.

Case Study (1): Encourage your star to look for learning opportunities both inside and outside your organization:

Jon Stein, CEO and founder of Improvement, the online financial advisor, said he was "lucky to have a number of stars" in the team over the years.

Laura *, in particular, stands out. He joined the New York-based company as an executive assistant there for five years. He lacked experience, but "he showed great promise and driving," Jon recalls.

During his weekly meetings, Jon gave positive comments from Laura about the things he had done well, "but he also made sure to mention areas where he could be improved.

The two often discuss different ways to take more time. It was not always easy to find "new challenges for her," he said. "We are going to set the bar higher and higher with extended goals, and it would soon become clear that it could be delivered."

So Jon Laura encouraged him to consider his long-term prospects, "paint several possible routes" for her: one day he could manage the learning and development of the company, or maybe she could run the group of facilities. He then led to their experiences that would prepare each of the possible functions. "I wanted to give Laura a chance to try new things," he said.

Meanwhile, Jon led networks Laura. He encouraged her to "build a strong group of people with experience outside the company" to accelerate learning. "Now, every time I have a question, it can be answered relatively quickly." People come to her with questions as well, and she has done a lot to direct and expand her network.

Laura giving him greater responsibility for various business functions was "gradual," Jon said.

Today, Laura is a team of 15 employees and is responsible for facilities and human resources, among other areas. "She did a great job," says Jon.

However, he says he is always aware of not giving Laura a special treat. Individual weekly meetings between managers and direct reports are common practices in the company. And the regular return of employees is part of the Improvement culture. "I do not play favorites," he said. "I do not want to give your chances that others will not come."

Case Study (2): Find out what motivates your star, and "empower her to advance":

Jay Schaufeld, senior vice president of human resources at OwnerIQ, a Boston-based digital marketing firm, said managing the featured artists is a "luxury", but it also includes "additional challenges." "There is no reading book," he said.

Some years ago, Jay heads the Human Resources department of an independent consulting firm. There she oversaw Rose *, "an absolute rock star" who excelled in her work. "She was a few years old at school, she had great aspirations and it was great potential," Jay said. "I saw a lot of her in me and I in him."

When Rose started working for him, Jay has done his best to "publicly" acknowledge achievements and include him in executive-level meetings. "I assumed that Rose wanted a lot of fanfare and exposure to the management team," he said.

It was only until he was finally asked "What motivates you?" He realized the error of his ways. "Rose told me that while she appreciates all the tueient meetings," he said. "What I wanted instead was air coverage to be more involved in business initiatives that moved the organization forward."

Together we considered possible projects for Rose. He then gave him the autonomy to implement these plans.

Jay also reported on Rose's career goals for the future. "Internal progress was very important to her, so we set career goals and milestones in the organization," he said. "We also talk in other ways."

One option for Rose was to become a certified human resources professional. Certification would allow you to work as a billable consultant instead of working in corporate human resources.

"Selfish, I wanted Rose to stay in our organization," Jay said. "But she also recognized that achieving certification would open up new career opportunities, and she wanted to show that we invested in her and that she was determined to move on.

After a Fortune 10 company has acquired its organization, Jay continued its activities. Rose, now the certification is still there, working on integration. "I really enjoy working with her again in the future"

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